I haven't been playing much lately...
I'm surprised they're still using the flash forum. I used to browse the old forums a lot even though I didn't post much. I liked looking through the map and artwork sections, but that seems too hard to do now that you can't open multiple tabs or bookmark links or right click... I don't think it was a big reason why I stopped playing, but I do miss that sense of community.
Anyway, here are the current stats. Most maps have only gotten about 600 votes since I checked four months ago.
Number Status Votes Description
P4 - Shaman:
188821 P 34% 69 ice chutes
P5 - Art:
315632 P -- 0 owl
341270 49% 258 forklift
1451303 -- 26 butterflies
1749688 0 bunny
1756348 0 awesome map
P6 - Mechanical:
108982 P 66% 251 exploding, tall button
113235 P 61% 12700 falling pyramid v2
126151 P 63% 3100 raising exploding bridge
126606 P 65% 4000 lowering then raising bridge
155591 P 55% 8700 ice in the way
158569 56% 23600 reup - leaning planks
314854 P -- 17 puzzle 3
323503 P -- 17 puzzle 4
327448 P 44% 117 march freestyle
339035 P -- 9 shaman rain
348918 P 59% 372 temple 4 v2
364127 P 49% 537 april trap
392709 P 58% 2600 slingshot
2036283 55% 52 eternal walljump
P7 - Racing:
314806 P 61% 299 runner
321268 P 55% 1300 treadmill maze
327447 P -- 32 march night
337813 P 47% 102 stairs 2
724780 P 60% 3700 hurdles
1959015 48 room to stand
P9 - Miscellaneous:
165264 P 57% 5500 chain lock