Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stats as of April 18

Not much response for the blueprints so I guess I'll stop them for now. Only about 100 more votes for maps since I checked three weeks ago...

   Number  Status  Votes   Description

P4 - Shaman:
   188816  P  43%     81   shaman cannon squeeze
   188821  P  34%     69   ice chutes

P5 - Art:
   315632  P  --       0   owl
   327449  P  --      34   march soundtrack
   341270     49%    245   forklift
  1451303     --      26   butterflies
  1749688              0   bunny
  1756348              0   awesome map

P6 - Mechanical:
   108982  P  66%    251   exploding, tall button
   113235  P  61%  12700   falling pyramid v2
   126151  P  63%   3100   raising exploding bridge
   126606  P  65%   4000   lowering then raising bridge
   155591  P  60%   4300   ice in the way
   314854  P  --       1   puzzle 3
   323503  P  --      13   puzzle 4
   327448  P  44%    105   march freestyle
   339035  P  --       9   shaman rain
   348918  P  59%    372   temple 4 v2
   392709  P  58%   2600   slingshot

P7 - Racing:
   314806  P  61%    299   runner
   319632  P  39%    106   treadmill
   337813  P  47%    102   stairs 2
   724780  P  60%   3700   hurdles

P9 - Miscellaneous:
   165264  P  57%   5500   chain lock

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1959015 - room to stand

I redesigned the mechanism for the shrinking/growing ground because lag sometimes causes the timing to be off. (I should probably replace the mechanism in the previous maps but I haven't done so yet.) This map is collision, so mice will have a fierce battle to stay on the grass as it gets shorter and shorter...

1946658 - grass grow 2

Mice must wall jump up the moving grass this time.

1946401 - grass grow 1

The grass grounds grow out then shrink back.

1939321 - cheese chase 2

Mice must time their jumps right to catch the moving cheese.

1933292 - cheese chase 1

Mice must run after the cheese.

Monday, April 16, 2012

1928572 - cursor

Mice must fly off the mouse cursor to get the cheese. (There's two in this screen, can you spot the real one?) This uses a mechanism I've had sitting around for a while.

1910619 - magic carpet ride

Thanks to Seeteegee for the idea for this one.

1908707 - cookie monster

Mice must ride the cookie, which continually flies into Cookie Monster's mouth. The dark clouds and graveyard represent his internal struggles with addiction.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

1889794 - peacock

The tail folds up and spreads out, over and over, kinda like what happens with a real peacock...

1886198 - pink teleport

This was a map (or idea) I wanted to make a long time ago, but couldn't because the shaman could easily crash the map. But now we can make grounds that don't interact with grounds or shaman objects, so crashing isn't a worry.

1852784 - puddle drops

Mice must run across the falling circles to get the cheese and come back.

Friday, April 13, 2012

1842291 - countdown

I originally wanted to make a clock that would be accurate and count the whole two minutes, but I realized that that just wasn't possible with 50 grounds. So I settled on doing a countdown from 10. What happens when it reaches 0?

1814267 - underground tunnels

Another map using dynamic invalid rotation, this time with angles around 27000. In this case the shaman/sync sees and feels blocks at their true angle (instead of -8 degrees) and mice/non-sync see and feel them rotated -110 degrees from that. The screen shown is what the shaman sees; mice will see the paths go in the opposite direction, \ / \ instead of / \ /.

1804520 - transparent

The idea for this one came from Buginclaws's @1790464. I wondered if I could make a version where the blocks moved, and this was the result.

Monday, April 9, 2012

blueprint - 1749688 - bunny

I talk about hiding anchors.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

blueprint - 1756348 - awesome map

Two mechanisms in this map.

The hardest part was getting all the art to fit using only 50 grounds.

Monday, April 2, 2012

blueprint - 339035 - shaman rain

I talk about invalid restitution in this one:

This is one case where the xml might be a little misleading. In my map, @339035, the falling blocks also have invalid restitution but they don't actually need it. Just the one IR ground is enough to move the contraption and all the falling blocks. I think I must have been trying a lot of different mechanisms and just never changed the restitution values back once I settled on this one.