Thursday, September 30, 2010

149442, 153917 - glitch maze

The shaman must build b-planks on top of the blocks. Some of them will go to limbo, others won't.


  1. Played this one with Reddit =D he likes it,
    Also played swimming pool with Red :)... I dunno...

  2. Do you not post the codes for the maps anymore? I would like to play some of these maps in the map editor, but the numbers are always invalid. :/

  3. Unfortunately I don't. Someone had been stealing the maps, submitting them as their own. It seemed like the only solution was to make the codes private. :(

  4. Well I'll be honest, I did resubmit a couple of your codes, but not in the intention of claiming them as my own, but i just like playing your maps more during the game. but yeah it does seem better when its labeled "Map: Temple", cause it doesnt seem normal without it. I'm used to seeing "Temple" and thinking "oh, its a trap" lol. but yeah i resutmitted a couple only to help make your maps more big. I wish there was some way we could type text into the maps, I would so love to resubmit yours (with your permission for now on of course) with text saying "Repost of Temple's map." or something crediting you.

    Could i possibly have the password/key to the codes?:3, I'll make sure I'll ask you next time before posting them though.

    You can send me the password via transformice (username wolfreak), or just hit me up on my facebook (if you have one, which im sure you do, everyone does :P).
